Tuesday, November 24, 2009

WWW VII: A Harmless Game

Words from the Whispering Woods: VII


Five costumed maidens
Upstairs in the corner,
In a room made windowless
By blinds and shades
Positioned themselves
Into what they believed
To be a circle.

Free-spirited maidens
And a harmless game.
What did they know?

"Set thick candles alight,
One by each maiden,
And the room will be
Otherwise dark.
Center the board,
And put one hand each
On a psychic device.
Try to keep still."

Young, careless maidens
And an October game.
What did they know?

The first question is asked;
An innocent inquiry
Reflective of their age.
Staring at each other,
They hope for a response
Without actual hope.
The device holds its place.

Wistful, naive maidens
And a cheap-thrill game.
What did they know?

"This will not work
If the intent is not serious.
The second question asked
Will be devoid of laughter
And unassuming of youth.
Let it be done now,
With sincerity and focus."

Concentrating maidens
With a secret game.
What did they know?

The second question is asked;
One of natural curiosity;
One of what lives beyond life.
The device moves
Of its own accord.
Skeptical maidens read
The word "Listen."
A knock pounds at the door.

Frightened, screaming maidens
And a harmless game.
What did they find?
What did they find?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"When You Survive Death"

Here is the updated version of some lyrics being used in an upcoming Connecticut progressive metal band (no name as of yet).

September/October 2009

When you survive death,
You reflect on words –
Words with effects intense and profound,
For better or for worse.
They bring hope,
They bring false hope,
Love and despair and pain.
So this is the story we wrote.

So, move on.
So, carry on.

My poetry slides off the page
Into the earth and sinking
Under the scope of your sight.
Your poetry flies off the page,
Stinging and drilling an infection
Into my mind.

Hopeless defeat, be numbed.
Please find me, chemical lobotomy.
Worthless being, be gone.
Sweet noxious mist envelop me.
Oh, I have seen how everything changes,
Especially when you survive death.

So, move on.
So, carry on.

I would willingly give my life to another,
But I was never blessed with the chance.
I could bleed for years and never, never die.
I have been reborn many, many times.
I would willingly give my life to another,
But they were never blessed with the chance.
I could bleed for years and never, never die.
I have been reborn many, many times.

I do not believe in fate.
I do not believe in reason.
I do not believe in fate.
I trust only in chaos.
I do not believe in fate.
I do not believe in reason.
I do not believe in fate.
So why do I feel this has a sense of purpose?
What am I being saved for?
Who am I being saved for?
I have been bestowed with a sense of worth,
Which may be the only reason
I am still alive.

So, move on.
So, carry on.